Bonus Round Guestbook
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Be sweet. Be Honest. Be Real. - Steve Schalchlin
And be funny. - Jim Brochu

Thank you for visiting our pages. We would love it if you would Add to this guestbook we are keeping!
Kibs was here and now our "friend" wasn't.....
I just LOVE turning back the hands of time....
Washington, DC, USA - Thursday February 4, 1999 at 13:45:00 (EST)
Hey Steve, Hope all is good there. Your site always feels so calm, even with the occasional right wing neanderthal, whose words should always be erased visually and mentally like a blackboard. Speaking of which, what is the deal with shawn's vanishing website? And what is the protocol of web sites? If there is none, shouldn't there with magazines or newsletters or clubs? Best wishes, -J
jerry rosco <>
NYC, USA - Friday, January 29, 1999 at 14:26:58 (EST)
Steve, I was a friend of Char Wolff's, your lont-time devoted diary reader. She and I were in a cancer support group together. I becam aquainted with you list after her death when a copy of your diary for that weekend was sent to me. As you said, any friend of Char's is a friend of mine. Keep fighting the good fight.
Anne Domit <>
Wakefield, MA USA - Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 18:39:50 (EST)
Love you guys!
Quast <>
USA - Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 02:37:18 (EST)
Steve, I just now found your site, haven't had time to look around yet, but wanted to say Hello and thank you for coming to Grand Rapids, MI. I sang in the Grand Rapids Women's Chorus and was also in the small group that attempted to sing "back-up" for When You Care. Awesome night I will cherish the memory. Looking forward to checking out this sight more thoroughly and keeping up with you. Thanks again, Cheryl
Cheryl Beatty <>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Saturday, January 16, 1999 at 15:51:05 (EST)
Steve, A friend of your suggested that I read your site. Want a wonderful suggestion, it has really made some connections for me. My wife and I met in theatre doing the comedy "Room Service". Just local community theatre stuff you know. We did do a little semi-professional stuff along with my church position. My wife and I have also been performing music for over twenty years with church concernts. I like to take modern tunes and put Christian lyrics to them. I now know you much better and I hope we can become friends. Rev. Kent Svendsen
Rev. Kent L. Svendsen <>
Ashton, IL USA - Friday, January 15, 1999 at 23:27:22 (EST)
Steve, I had the pleasure of seeing you perform some of the songs from 'TLS' for the Hilberry Company at Wayne State. I am not a Hilberry actor, but I am an undergraduate Actor at Wayne State and enjoyed your presentation very much. Everyone at Wayne State wished to thank you for taking the time to visit and share your experiences with us. I tracked you down on the net and here I am. Thanks again. You are an inspiration to all of us.
Kenneth Murphy
Fraser, MI USA - Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 17:19:43 (EST)
Steve.. Kibs said that I would enjoy reading your web diary and find that I'm not along in my struggle with coming out, being christian and all. Thank-you for a wonderful website.
David T.
Fairfax, VA USA - Monday, December 21, 1998 at 15:05:30 (EST)
To the person adding Porno to this guestbook: I have disabled HTML coding within the body of the message :)

To the rest of you: Sorry, you wont be able to post your pictures in the future.
Arlington, VA USA - Sunday, December 13, 1998 at 23:59:14 (EST)

Glad to hear you made it back home safely from foggy Grand Rapids, Steve! (By the way, you were in GR, NOT Ann Arbor!) On behalf of Herb (aka Mom), myself, Lena, and the rest of the "Bring Steve Schalchlin to GR Committee" - THANK YOU! Your performance moved all of us to tears, to laughter, and then to solid connection with our hearts, souls, and each other. The experience was priceless (but just the same, I wish that the check I gave you could have had an extra zero or two attached!) Congratulations on the successful LA opening of TLS - and thanks again for being willing to spend the week prior with us in Michigan. You made a difference.
Michelle Johnson <>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Monday, December 07, 1998 at 21:23:07 (EST)
Dear Steve or whoever else reads this: Last night i had the opportunity to see TLS. I had never heard of it, knew nothing about it besids the brief description i was given right before i entered the theater. I was in for a big suprise. I entered the theater a girl trying to get through life I left realizing just how lucky i am to live. Nothing like that has touched me in such a long time and though none of you probably care to hear this ill share with you anyway.....I am 15 years old and well consider myself to be bisexual, though that is still under some debate(hehe), ive seen a good amount in my short life, friends deaths and so on, and not until really last night did i stop feeling pity for myself....whatever that is suppossed to mean and maybe im just babbling but its my babble and im going to do it and there so to whoever read this and especially steve, thank you for sharing your story...your courage and strength has shown me a whole new way to wishes-andrea
Andrea Weinstein <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, December 07, 1998 at 20:05:34 (EST)
At long last, after waiting over a year, I got to see TLS last night at the Tiffany. It was well worth the wait. As powerful as those songs are on CD, hearing them live kicked them over the top. The cast is incredible and the audience was spellbound. And what a great idea to provide a question and answer session afterward to those interested. Talking to these characters about their roles and the effect the musical has had on their lives was fascinating. And, of course, it was particularly special because Steve could be there for the Q&A, too. I'm telling everyone I know to go see this. I'll be back. Save me a seat.
Dennis <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, December 07, 1998 at 12:47:58 (EST)
Saw TLS last night and brought my sister. Of course, I loved it, but my sister who has no background except the one liners I told her loved the story, the music, and thought the cast was wonderful. Steve: Have a great run!
Connie Gohata <>
Cypress, CA USA - Sunday, December 06, 1998 at 22:16:32 (EST)
what to say...? I was reading down your guests... wonderful... the one hurt me... a knife going threw my heart. I am not gay, but I sure do love the gay community! I don't have AIDS... but I have my own issues which applied so much, maybe too much to TLS. Steve and Jimmy, Thank you. thank you for fighting, for loving, for working so hard to make tls a reality. i'll be there again!! TO ANYONE WHO HASN"T SEEN THE LAST SESSION... get there!!! it's in LA right now! Tiffany theatre... and YES it is worth it... :) Jimmy, Steve Thank you from the deepest parts of my heart Love Joy "always connected"
joy <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Sunday, December 06, 1998 at 20:06:43 (EST)
Seasons Greetings! Let the record reflect the following: What fun it is cleaning up hate messages (and especially porn pictures) by moronic individuals. Dont think for ONE minuite that I dont know what goes on on this website, and have the ultimate POWER to have anything removed from any place on
Kibs <>
Arlington, VA USA - Friday, December 04, 1998 at 10:27:56 (EST)
Catching up with you here via the local library Internet facility. Glad to hear things are going well with you. Panther
USA - Thursday, December 03, 1998 at 21:20:51 (EST)
Dec. 2, 1998-Steve came to Grand Rapids, Michigan for World AIDS Day. He had a live interview that night and then a late-night foray to find an 11:00 p.m. meal. Not easy in Grand Rapids. He is appearing at the Michigan HIV/STD Conference, right now he is lecturing on using the internet. He sings Dec. 3 and we are looking forward to his performance. He's been fun to host.
Herb Seamons <>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Wednesday, December 02, 1998 at 10:29:36 (EST)
Very nice and serious page. It is quite informative and I enjoyd my stay :))

R.A.F's Web World

R.A. Fossadal <>
Torhavn, Faroe Islands (Europe) - Sunday, November 29, 1998 at 21:04:31 (EST)
Saw TLS in Laguna and it was wonderful. Going through my pile (of magazines, playbills, whatever) I came across the notes and came to see the website.

Passed it on to my denominational maillist (Disciples of Christ). Wonderful discussion on how the church fits into your work and life.

You're the bonus.
Darrel Manson <>
Lakewood, CA USA - Thursday, November 26, 1998 at 00:52:04 (EST)

You are a fag and your page sucks just like you. My u4ia page is #1 at geocities and my zuh sexy irc is #1 Get a life and go back to your homo friends.
Cleveland, Oh USA - Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 13:56:05 (EST)
Nice Website, It helps to know others are there to help. So of you may be intrested in visiting an online Doctor, he answers questions about HIV and it's problems. He's in Florida, but all are welcome.
USA - Friday, November 20, 1998 at 13:02:27 (EST)
As the Vice President of Detroit Together Men's Chorus, I must say we're all looking forward to performing with you on November 29th for the Friends Alliance World AIDS Day benefit!!! "When You Care" is a beautiful piece, and we hope to do it justice with you. This website is very inspirational! We'll see you on the 29th!!!
Brad Town <>
Waterford, MI USA - Friday, November 13, 1998 at 12:40:36 (EST)
Saw you in Cambridge Saturday night at Linda George's insistence, and boy howdy! am I glad for that. You really blew me away. How is it that we Southern boys are born with such animated faces? I couldn't stop watching you and loving the way you just charmed and charmed us all night. And that's without even mentioning how fine-tuned your pop sensibilities are. In particular, the military-cadenced medley is just brilliant. Looking forward to the Boston premiere of the full-fledged musical...
Lance Helms <>
Portsmouth, NH USA - Sunday, November 08, 1998 at 23:12:51 (EST)
Hi, I really enjoyed your NPR interview the other night as I was driving home form work. I work with kids undergoing bone marrow transplantation. They teach me lots about living in the bonus round. Hope I am lucky enough to see your show some day. Are you returning to Boston or the Rhode Island area any time soon? Thanks.
anne marie <>
boston, ma USA - Sunday, November 08, 1998 at 13:49:35 (EST)
Hi, I really enjoyed your NPR interview the other night as I was driving home form work. I work with kids undergoing bone marrow transplantation. They teach me lots about living in the bonus round. Hope I am lucky enough to see your show some day. Are you returning to Boston or the Rhode Island area any time soon? Thanks.
anne marie <>
boston, ma USA - Sunday, November 08, 1998 at 13:49:08 (EST)
Hi, I really enjoyed your NPR interview the other night as I was driving home form work. I work with kids undergoing bone marrow transplantation. They teach me lots about living in the bonus round. Hope I am lucky enough to see your show some day. Are you returning to Boston or the Rhode Island area any time soon? Thanks.
anne marie <>
boston, ma USA - Sunday, November 08, 1998 at 13:48:58 (EST)
Hi, I listened to your interview with Chris on NPR the other night and really enjoyed hearing you. I work with kids undergoing bone marrow transplantation. They've taught me lots about living and about the bonus round. Thanks for your web site.
BOSTON, MA USA - Sunday, November 08, 1998 at 13:35:12 (EST)
Hi, I listened to your interview with Chris on NPR the other night and really enjoyed hearing you. I work with kids undergoing bone marrow transplantation. They've taught me lots about living and about the bonus round. Thanks for your web site.
BOSTON, MA USA - Sunday, November 08, 1998 at 13:34:16 (EST)
hi! I heard the NPR show this morning and as soon as i came home tonight from work i checked out your site... i am so happy to hear(read) what you've said. I think that it is wonderful and you have really opened a lot of minds. Having helped a couple of friends through the epidimic, i am happy to know i have a place to send the others. good luck, especially with the stop you have soon at the church (who knows, maybe you'll meet my parents.. he he he) take care. molly
molly <>
providence, ri USA - Saturday, November 07, 1998 at 00:06:33 (EST)
Hi Steve! Thought you'd appreciate a hello from a fellow Texan (Dallasite) now living in exile in Boston :) I read about your site and your play in the Boston Globe today, and I just wanted to say that you're terrific! The AIDS epidemic isn't over, even though some people seem to believe that it is, and I think it's important for artists to keep using their work to keep attention on the epidemic. Good luck! Branden
Branden Kornell <>
Boston, MA USA - Friday, November 06, 1998 at 16:33:39 (EST)
Here I am again, just about 2 days away from seeing Steve in Boston, FREAKING OUT already and 1000% positive it is going to be the coolest experience in my life if I manage not to ruin it. Just want to say hi to everybody reading this, hope everyone is cool, and... Oh no! Tongue-tied already! AAAAHHH! ;) Love you all!
Jess <>
Trumbull, CT USA - Thursday, November 05, 1998 at 20:49:24 (EST)
I thank you for delivering you message to some of the students at the University of Memphis. By what you said, I realize that I have something to live for. I see that my life isn't as bad as some people. I respect you very much for what you are doing to help others with your message!! Also how can I get your CD, that you mention???
Kerry Blankenship <>
Memphis, TN USA - Wednesday, November 04, 1998 at 23:03:35 (EST)
Steve, Your preformance at Waterloo High School was nothing short of amazing. You were correct in saying that music that is witten from the heart is the most powerful. It takes A LOT of GUTS to go in front of total strangers and Put them to tears with your very touching music. I am 16 years old and enrolled in the advanced music class at Waterloo. I am also a member of the Waterloo Varsity Ensamble, and the well known men's group "Just Us" It was definatly a pleasure hearing you preform, Students at school are still Raving about your preformance. There are some hypocritical people in school whom I cant stand, I ignore them, and carry on. I know out of the 53 people in that chorus room that period, You touched atleast 51 hearts with your music in a way that only you could. (52 if you want to include me) As I looked around the room, I saw 99% of the room on the edge of thier seats, or crying thier eyes out into a kleenex. The only advice I can offer you is to live every second of your remaning life to the fullest, and may God bless you for all you have done.
Craig Landschoot <>
Waterloo, NY USA - Thursday, October 29, 1998 at 21:02:33 (EST)
I was one of the students you did the one-man version of"TLS" for at Waterloo High last night. I'm also one the type of people you were talking about afterwards.. i accept people no matter who or what they are. One of my best friends had gotten really sick.. She never said what it was, but I didn't ignore her. I guess you could say the whole show corresponded in places to my life. Between my friend's sickness..{She finally confided in me it was HIV- not full out yet,but hurting her} and my father's cancer that gave him a 3% chance to fact, I've almost given up afew times..but I thought about them and how unfair it was of me to leave my boyfriend, my best friend and my father after all they went through to stay with me. I guess now some of my friends are gonna know about my trys...but don't worry guys. S.J.'s a good girl now. No more of that...especially from what this guy's taught me about life and not giving up on others.
S.J. Stein <>
Waterloo, NY USA - Thursday, October 29, 1998 at 14:48:59 (EST)
I've not met you. And I most likely never will. But you've touched my spirit and I thank you for that. Your diaries are very moving and have blessed me. Thank you again.
Kristy <>
Frostburg, MD USA - Tuesday, October 27, 1998 at 02:08:19 (EST)
Steve, you are the man... I loved your last entry and the finale of Book 9. It's so great to see the support that people have for your show, which has touched so many people. Myself included of course!

It's been great knowing you, and growing with you the last two years. We met at a time when I was coming alive and you were supposedly dying... and two years later and we are here laughing through it all, sharing life, love, and friendship.

Thanks for being you and sharing your gift with everyone! *HUGS from the other COAST!* Love ya man!
Shawn Decker <>
Waynesboro, VA USA - Wednesday, October 21, 1998 at 01:46:30 (EDT)

Steve-I *love* your site...Muy bien!! I'll try to see you in Philly. Love, Jess
Jess Reynolds <>
Folsom, NJ USA - Sunday, October 18, 1998 at 00:58:19 (EDT)
alicia shaw <>
dietrich, id USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 13:04:29 (EDT)
Steve, I worked with you years ago at NAS, before you got the news that so changed your life. My greetings, heartfelt respect and congratulations to you for not curling up and dying like so many others, but rather choosing to make the change such a positive truly are an inspiration to others, whether gay or straight, whether rich or poor, to remember that life, which can pass so quickly, is for living to the fullest. None of us really know or appreciate how much (little) time we have on this earth, and your reminding even one person of how precious that time is, is worth more than all the preaching in all the churches of the world. I hope to someday see you again, and wish you the best for a long and happy life. PS - sorry this wasn't's early in the day, and my humor's not awake yet...I'll save a bad joke for you .
Daniel Keller <>
Hamburg, Germany - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 05:32:11 (EDT)
thank you for living each day in the rent motto "NO DAY BUT TODAY".... you inspire me. :)
Jeremy Langhans <>
Seattle, Wa USA - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 02:15:03 (EDT)
Steve, Great page. I saw you at the pride cellebration at the University Of Maine In Orono on oct. 10th 1998. Your music was entertaining, moving and has something for everyone to think about. Thank you for sharing with me and my friends things that are not always easy to talk about. Good luck and best wishes, Andrew and Ben(the "cute" one who was not there)
Andrew Thomits <>
Orono, ME USA - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 23:35:15 (EDT)
after several failed attempts, i hope this actually gets through! i have heard so much about you from our dear mutual friend, SHAWN! so i have been checking up on you, and your fascinating page. still waiting for hemo2homo movie reviews, though! take care!
erin <>
harrisonburg, va USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 10:11:29 (EDT)
steve, (do you read these? oh well) i think its cool what your doing. "tls" sounds like a great musical. im a playwrite myself and know how much it sucks. i hope to get as big as you are someday. im definitly gonna see "tls." hope to meet you someday too. oh yeah, im getting a web-page tomarow (hopefully.) i hope you dont mind me doing this, but id like to put either this page or the laguna page on my links. thats all......
kate aka bradferd
USA - Wednesday, September 30, 1998 at 15:16:31 (EDT)
Here I am again, scared to leave because it kept saying "attempt to load failed" and... my computer is schitzophrenic, no other explination. Hey, congrats with all these good reviews, I don't know WHY I didn't steal the car and sneak to California to see it, lack of guts on my part? I see all these fab pictures and I read all these fab reviews and I kick myself for missing it in NYC. Steve, are you REALLY maybe coming to Rochester?? I could see you TWICE, 15 days apart?.. It's a dream come true. Stay cool, all.
Jess <>
Trumbull, CT USA - Saturday, September 26, 1998 at 22:01:31 (EDT)
TLS sounds so amazing, and I wish so much that I could see it... But, I'm very very far away from California and could never get out there. I really hope there will be a tour because I would love to see it. Keep up the great work, I've read so many great things about TLS, and you Steve, and all of the cast. :)
Jamie <>
Louisville, KY USA - Wednesday, September 23, 1998 at 16:48:43 (EDT)
Thanks for a great show, I was at the opening at Laguna, and all I can say is WOW! It will stick with me a long time. I will try and make it back to Laguna to see the show again, I've been telling everyone I know to get down there and see it. Oh, and the Web site is great, too. Thanks again.
Christopher Trela (OC Metro Mag) <>
Huntington Beach, CA USA - Monday, September 21, 1998 at 20:58:13 (EDT)
Saw the first reading of "The Last Session" last night in Melb. Brilliant and can only hope this one makes it big here in OZ. THIS IS NOT A MUSICAL! it is something that touches the soul. PS Wear waterproof mascara , laugh and cry its a two tissue experience. cast was fab so keep the momentum going!!!! Regards Viv
Vivien Ellard <>
Melbourne, VVIC Australia - Saturday, September 19, 1998 at 06:32:25 (EDT)
Steve, Just wanted to tell you that I have loved you ever since I saw TLS at the 42nd Street Theatre. I think about you often, wishing you well. I am going to see the Laguna Playhouse production on October 3rd, and am very excited! Thank you for sharing so much: you are a wonderful man!
Dixon Martin <>
Portland, OR USA - Wednesday, September 16, 1998 at 22:30:39 (EDT)
Jess <>
Trumbull, CT USA - Wednesday, September 16, 1998 at 20:30:43 (EDT)
Steve, glad to see elizabeth (alias efrantz) made it to your fabulous website. i must say that while watching rent, someone turned me on to your amazing production. by coincidence (is there such a thing?) elizabeth saw the production in new york and bought the cd. needless to say, it has been one of our listening pleasures for a long time now. i was sitting next to her at the la jolla playhouse when we noticed in the playbill you were staging The Last Session at laguna playhouse. we did literally scream out "we are so there!" then, i met this wonderful person, gail, who manages a rent website and my fate was sealed. i will be at the show on friday with gail and group and right alongside elizabeth that very same sunday to drink in the magic of your talent and saga. also being raised a southern baptist child of a deacon father and a church pianist/sunday school teacher mother, i can tell you i will feel right at home finally! it's nice to meet other southern baptists who don't hate other baptists but still has a liberal bent and attributes it to the church. separation of church and state was what i learned as a child and still hold to that today. preacher and the nurse always brings a tear to my eye because i watched my father, the other deacons and the preacher all build our church with their bare hands. my mother and i even brought sandwiches to the men as they worked in a metal tray that we had to grab away quickly when the sandwiches got low because it had a beer label in the base. the memories your songs bring to me are priceless. my parents are gone now but always live on in my heart. (taking some liberties) i know i'll never be the woman my father (and mother) once was but i always try to help when people need me. can't wait to see it live! all my best, charmi
Charmi Collie <>
San Diego, CA USA - Wednesday, September 16, 1998 at 02:42:43 (EDT)
I was incredibly lucky to see The Last Session on off broadway. I just got half price TKTS without knowing anything about the show, cause there was a man in line promoting it. It was one of the best experiences of my life. When I saw that The Last Session was coming to Laguna I literally screemed. I am coming to the show on sunday and seeing this site only makes me more excited. Steve you are amazing.
liz <>
san diego , ca USA - Monday, September 14, 1998 at 13:52:56 (EDT)
Hey Steve, love the page. I just listened to some sound clips from TLS and fell in love with the music. Thanks for being an inspiration!!
Ruth True <>
Moses Lake, WA USA - Monday, September 14, 1998 at 03:58:32 (EDT)
601-366-4173 1255 pocahontas road, flora, ms 39071
donnie shearer <none>
flora, ms USA - Wednesday, September 09, 1998 at 20:09:35 (EDT)
donnie shearer <none>
flora, ms USA - Wednesday, September 09, 1998 at 20:09:03 (EDT)
Hi, Steve, it is Ricky. I am back, and poking around. Looks like a trip out of town, and I miss out on all the huzzah! Awaiting the blast as it begins.
Richard Sucgang
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, September 08, 1998 at 22:10:52 (EDT)
Your story is touching and sad. Although I do not know where you are coming from because I've never been down that long road--I am willing to walk with you. I will continue to pray for people that have contracted this deadly disease and for you! You are a strong person. I love you! God loves you!
Christie Brittain <>
Kansas City, MO USA - Tuesday, September 08, 1998 at 20:37:53 (EDT)
My whole family loved your site! :)

Larry Graves
-, OONT CANADA - Tuesday, September 08, 1998 at 09:01:53 (EDT)
Great page! I admire your courage to speak up about a problem that many refuse to see!
Shannon <>
pgh, pa USA - Monday, September 07, 1998 at 19:30:56 (EDT)
öâãçâ íãöâ íãâ ãçî
USA - Sunday, September 06, 1998 at 07:39:09 (EDT)
Hi Steve and Jim -- Am thrilled by all the great publicity you and your show are getting in advance of the premiere down in Laguna. I plan to go down to see the show. I heard a lot about it when it was "off Broadway." I know it is wonderful, and is making a very valuable contribution for the AIDS cause. I especially love the fact that you are spreading the word through entertainment. There is no more powerful way to do it. And, yes, I know that somewhere she is watching...and is very proud.
Thomas Watson <>
Van Nuys, CA USA - Thursday, September 03, 1998 at 00:08:23 (EDT)
I almost cried when I read the "first-timer" page. Music is my passion, my life and it's wonderful to hear you say you're "still alive" and "still pounding out the tunes"!!!!! Thanks for inspiration and thought-provoking words....I will read further about your work, I'm excited about hearing some of your musical! "Measure Your Life in Love," Brooke
Brooke <>
Chapel Hill, NC USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 23:54:35 (EDT)
Good! Cool!!
Hun <>
USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 20:08:34 (EDT)

click for a better site <
Yeah right, Su USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 14:44:00 (EDT)
This is truly a fantastic, inspiring site. Congratulations on all you have accomplished and everything you are going to accomplish soon - I can't wait to listen to The Last Session completely.
Valeria <>
Santiago, Chile - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 01:57:37 (EDT)
Rick Sands <>
Littleton, CO USA - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 23:47:56 (EDT)
Hi Steve. I really like your page. There is so much to see! I will return to read your diaries. Take care. Nikki
Nicola Withers <>
Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire, England - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 04:06:17 (EDT)
Hi Steve, I didn't have a chance to read all of the info in your site -- I was just browsing around & looking for guestbook ideas (i'll be adding one to my site soon) I just wanted you to know that I am a right wing conservative christian and I love homosexual people. I believe that Jesus does too!
Laura <>
USA - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 00:20:18 (EDT)
Dear Steve, I saw you in Charlottesville on August 14. The show was so inspiring, so uplifting to know that so much love and caring can come from such tragedy if we only open up our hearts and minds and be true and real. I lost my younger brother to AIDS in 95. I will never stop marching in his memory and honor until society is worthy of all its children. Bless you and all who support that cause.
Brenda <>
Palmyra, VA USA - Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 08:38:11 (EDT)
lola <>
melissa, tx USA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 20:22:10 (EDT)
wow steve what a wonderful story !! to think you have come so far,you inspire me to push myself and never give up keep up the good work you are doing and visit my page as well bye for now Dawn
Dawn <>
Attleboro, ma USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 14:23:54 (EDT)
wow steve what a wonderful story !! to think you have come so far,you inspire me to push myself and never give up keep upo the good work you are doing and visit my page as well bye for now Dawn
Dawn <>
Attleboro, ma USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 14:23:18 (EDT)
Your site had so much meaning for me in so many ways. Here's hoping the future continues to find you happy & healthy!
Evelyn McNair <>
Mendham, NJ USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 03:05:15 (EDT)
Steve...I really like the new look. It's very *hip*. : ) I dig it. Give my love to everyone in Cali!! Jim, Ronda, Kim...the new TLS cast...have fun kids!! Much love...Shaun
Shaun <>
USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 08:52:21 (EDT)
i need some one to talk email me
ashraf <>
amman, jordan - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 08:11:46 (EDT)
Hey darlin' - Just wanted you to know I got my "Cambridge Center for Adult Education" fall calendar today, and as I was flipping through there you were staring back at me! :-) Come Monday I am going to make my reservations for both shows! Just look for the bald chick in the front row! I am even going to try to make it to Maine when you are there - chemo willing and the creeks don't rise! Hugs and kisses. Char
Char Wolff <>
Watertown, MA USA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 23:47:20 (EDT)
Hi, really inspiring stuff,the best of luck with everything you do or are going to do.
Diana <>
London, UK - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 12:25:29 (EDT)
Found your site in Geocities, as a Respiratory Therapist I would like to say that it is very enjoyable to find both health and music here.
Janice <>
USA - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 13:33:06 (EDT)
good luck
Firenze, Italia - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 05:58:25 (EDT)
Apologies if my anti-fascist rant and rewritten version both went through. No one needs to hear that twice. Regards...
JR <>
NY, NY USA - Tuesday, July 28, 1998 at 11:57:15 (EDT)
Steve, I know your intentions are good, but I can't see the value of having any kind of dialogue with right wing christians or their pawns. "Psycho-history" is the view that history is not just what happens but why. And part of history is the fact that some people are victimized partly because they make good victims. Right wing christians wake up every day filled with hate. Everyone out there, type onto your provider >godhatesfags< and you will see all you need to know about these bigots. The same lies and hate you'll find with the KKK and the American Nazi Party. And check out the violence --not just against gays by the way but against anyone who walks upright without their hands dragging on the ground-- in states where right wing christians control the environment. This is a battle that's been going on in this country since the 1950s, and it's bigger than any single issue. It's about freedom versus facism. Better to stand up and fight back than to try to give any platform to those who demean you. Sorry for this anger, here, but it is time. I wish you and your well-intentioned readers only peace and good things.
JR <jrosco>
NY, NY USA - Tuesday, July 28, 1998 at 11:52:51 (EDT)
Steve, Sorry, I know your intentions are good, but I think you are just being a pawn in giving any kind of respect to right wing christians. "Psycho-history" is a term that holds history is not just what happens but the reason it happens. One reason some people are victimized is because they believe in being good victims. Right wing christians wake up in the morning filled with hate. Everybody out there, type onto your website location >godhatesfags< and you will see what the right wing christians are all about. The violence against gays, and by the way other people who walk upright without their hands dragging on the sidewalk, is most intense in those states where right wing christian hate mongers are strongest. This is the same battle that's been going on in this country since the 1950s and it's much bigger than any one issue. What it really is about is freedom versus fascism. And you don't help but searching out "good nazis" to have a dialogue with. You have to know when to stand up for what's right and fight back. For you and your well-intentioned readers, I wish only peace and good things.
JR <>
NY, NY USA - Tuesday, July 28, 1998 at 11:09:23 (EDT)
Came to see, remember and celebrate. Luv Kathe
Kathe <>
Columbus, oh USA - Monday, July 27, 1998 at 07:14:52 (EDT)
Seeing your pictures and getting into a little information (need to take more time)I felt both happy and sad. I am glad for your success and the life it has brought you. Simply reading the words by one of the pictures - the one on the left is me, looking a little gaunt - hit my heart and took me to the day I really looked in the mirror and saw what had become of me, and so many of my friends and people I helped care for. Then the reality of the journey leads you to new places. Keep being in there and visible.
Ben Klein <>
Wichita, KS USA - Thursday, July 23, 1998 at 23:53:00 (EDT)
Steve, I've slowly been digesting you website. WOW! You've done a fabulous job keeping us up-to-date and informed. I went back to 1996 and feel like I know you personally instead of just a guy who lets the world into his life. Keep up the great work and give Thurber and Binky a rub for me.
Tracy Alexander <>
Carthage, TN USA - Thursday, July 23, 1998 at 20:47:01 (EDT)
Steve, I told you I would let you know when I found "the word" that described how you make me feel: empowered. Such a simple word, yet it conveys so much meaning. You are a gift from God, and I think you are right. I think Bruce did lead me to you. How lucky I am to have him watching over me, just as he did when he was here. Bless you, Steve. You are in my thoughts. Dawne
Dawne Clarke <>
Fredericton, NB Canada - Wednesday, July 22, 1998 at 10:41:03 (EDT)
By the way - the Bible also says "Know the Truth, and it will set you free." Let us not forget that freedom is defined NOT as doing what we feel like, but doing what we should. Perhaps we do have all of our cures, we're just too far away to see them!
Noel Garrett <see previous entry...stop looking for the easy way out!>
USA - Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at 12:41:29 (EDT)
Steve and Jimmy - I haven't added to the guestbook in quite some time, mostly because I now get the page directly in my email - the Information Age, ain't it grand. Anyway, I wanted to comment on Jimmy's re-interpretation of the Bible, from his point of view. I think it is spectacular. Those who down it, as we discussed just are too hung up on everything that is centuries old. We're quickly approaching the Year 2000, which since we as a society believe in brevity, is also known as "00" - isn't that the big fear of computer systems around the world - failure with the "00" concept? We never thought about it when all of these systems (the newest, the biggest, and the best) were put into production. We are basically starting from ground zero again because we all lost track of the simplicity of how it should be. A date is a date...2000 is not 00, its 2000, just as 1900 is 1900, and not 00. We have engineered complexity into something - just as we have engineered complexity into our lives. Lets keep it simple. The Bible in its form as we know it says that we are all human beings, created in God's image. Jesus also taught that what He was capable of, so are we. If God created all, the Universe, infinity, are we not a representation of His wonders? We would all like to think that, but we engineer shortcuts into everything we do, thinking we're better for our accomplishments - and we proudly display them outwardly. If we see ourselves as any way different, or separate from even a single person around us, then my friends, we have missed the most remedial lesson to be taught in the Bible. Life's principle speaks to the Father Within - nowhere does it address the Father Without. If God created everything, then how can something else exist? Or is it that you don't really believe in what you preach? Go for it Jimmy - bring us up to date and make us chuckle at our own shortcomings. The hardest thing to do is look inside and laugh. We hate more than anything else being laughed at by others, but we never take a look inside and just get a chuckle about where we fell off the mountain from trying to hang on to too much baggage as we climbed. Look at the Everest summit achievers - they took only that which would allow them to survive - and they made it to the top to see everything available to them. Those who didn't believe, didn't make it - and that is a terrible tragedy. Go for it Jimmy - and always remember our "toilet conversation" at Club 39 - a prayer has been answered! I love you guys.
Noel Garrett <If you want it, you'll get it.>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at 12:34:59 (EDT)
Please Visit and sign my guestbook!
I hope you don't mind the banner if you do I appoligize greatly... But I would like to tell you your page is great.

Colt <>
Iowa USA - Monday, July 20, 1998 at 21:22:34 (EDT)
Steve, you're real inspiring and I'll be praying for you and your ill friend. May God grant you his wisdom and light. You're a role model to a young Christian in being "joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" ~Romans 12:12~ God bless you
jouelle <>
*sorry*, WI USA - Saturday, July 18, 1998 at 12:39:22 (EDT)
I've been getting more and more email these days, so I'm beginning to get lost in the pile. I also forget to send emails to people who sign my guestbook sometimes. I know that's rude, but it's not intentional. You will forgive a poor sinner?
Steve <>
USA - Friday, July 17, 1998 at 23:12:28 (EDT)
Hello Steve, This is my first visit here...I will return again as my time today was limited. It's wonderful to see that you are LIVING proof that "the inevitable" is often only a matter of incomplete conclusions by some partially informed people. You never fail, until you fully give up, so don't give up hope. You never know who might be watching you or who might be watching over you. The former will be inspired, that latter will give you inspiration. Sincere best wishes. Benny Sanders
Benny Sanders <>
Toronto, ON Canada - Friday, July 17, 1998 at 17:07:43 (EDT)
Steve, I just finished reading your story in A&U. I can't help but note how healthy you look in the picture with your partner. We chatted a few times back in '96, when I initially joined the Gaypoz Discussion Group. I am so glad for your continued good health and success. I, too, remain incredibly healthy and I have nothing but gratitude in knowing that some of us are making it through this thing called AIDS. I will continue to raise hell on my end to do what I can to make sure that more of us will also have a chance for good health. There is still an AIDS mountain to conquer in the people of color communities, nationally and globally. I know that I am only one person -- but I feel that this gift of continued good health is here for a reason. Therefore, just like you, in my own way I am doing my small part to make a difference. With love, your friend always, Derrick Anderson, Chair-Elect Michigans PLWH/As Task Force
Derrick Anderson <>
Ann Arbor, MI USA - Monday, July 13, 1998 at 10:47:14 (EDT)
I've just looked at your site for the first time, and I am amazed. I'll be returning regularly. I've been watching my 12 yr. old daughter go through an illness for the last three years, and I know how keeping a diary helps...but to turn it into such an incredible and educational production! Must be the songwriter in you....
Dilys Sutherland <>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Saturday, July 11, 1998 at 11:28:15 (EDT)
Congratulations on your new addition to your family. What a lucky kitty! It's Fr. Bill's birthday and I'm on my way to pick him up for cocktails and dinner. I'm enjoying getting to know you through your bonusround pages. Take care!
Maura Lamb <>
CA USA - Wednesday, July 08, 1998 at 21:15:47 (EDT)
Steve: Keep on fighting......Where there's life, there's hope!
Dianne Ferris <>
CANADA - Tuesday, July 07, 1998 at 14:06:34 (EDT)
This was my first time on your site. I live a very rural area in West Virginia. I have been doing AIDS/HIV education for as long as I can remember. Because we are so rural it has been very hard to convince people that AIDS and HIV are here. Since very few people use condoms I'm very scared about the spread of it. Everyone around here seems to think they only are risking having a baby. Which their mother had them at age 14 or 15 too. I plan on having the young people who will really read look at your site. If you have any ideas to help me in educating these kids please write me. Thank you and good luck with the rest of your life! Noel
Noel Landvoigt <>
Highland, wv USA - Tuesday, July 07, 1998 at 10:06:16 (EDT)
This was my first time on your site. I live a very rural area in West Virginia. I have been doing AIDS/HIV education for as long as I can remember. Because we are so rural it has been very hard to convince people that AIDS and HIV are here. Since very few people use condoms I'm very scared about the spread of it. Everyone around here seems to think they only are risking having a baby. Which their mother had them at age 14 or 25 too. I plan on having the young people who will really read look at your site. If you have any ideas to help me in educating these kids please write me. Thank you and good luck with the rest of your life! Noel
Noel Landvoigt <>
Highland, wv USA - Tuesday, July 07, 1998 at 10:04:55 (EDT)
Howdy, you fabulous man. Say howdy to Mr. Jim when you read this. Hey, yawll wanna go to see that Fosse thing? I just heard about it. by the way, In case I haven't said it enough, Steve you are one of the greatest songwriters in this here world. From one East Texan to another. Much Love, and success. Talk to ya later aligator.
Kirk Stone <>
West Hollywood, CA USA - Monday, July 06, 1998 at 23:18:29 (EDT)
Hello Steve, Kibs did not have to twist my arm to get me visit your page, this is rafael from #gaynova, excellent page, and I applaud you, hope to see you when your in DC Bill Harrington aka rafael
William Harrington <>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, July 05, 1998 at 17:31:29 (EDT)
Stacey <>
Missoula, MT USA - Sunday, July 05, 1998 at 16:52:16 (EDT)
I've never heard of your play *sorry* but it sounds interesting. I'll have to look for it.
NJ USA - Saturday, July 04, 1998 at 12:26:35 (EDT)
Well...I saw Gaby's post and thought I'd add a similar one...I It was about a year ago when I first heard anything about that Steve guy and his musical...and little did I know that it would be a life changing experience to finally hear his music and see The Last Session. If you can - run - don't walk - and see TLS or Steve in person. You are a marvelous person Steve... Keep up the great work with the diary - and readers...keep on reading and keep him writing!!! CJ
CJ Liotta <>
Denton, TX USA - Monday, June 29, 1998 at 09:50:53 (EDT)
This is great.Good luck in your life Steve. Bojan Kostic
Bojan Kostic <>
Pancevo, Yugoslavia - Sunday, June 28, 1998 at 15:59:28 (EDT)
I think that it is very emotional.Good luck in your life steve Bojan Kostic
Bojan Kostic <>
Pancevo, Yugoslavia - Sunday, June 28, 1998 at 15:58:15 (EDT)
Wow! Kewl! Its working again! *SORRY* Folks for the errors but we're back up and running!
Kibs <>
Arlington, VA USA - Saturday, June 27, 1998 at 03:53:29 (EDT)
Well the guestbook dated my entry below the 27th, but its still June 26th here on the West Coast!
Gabi Clayton <>
Olympia, WA USA - Saturday, June 27, 1998 at 01:21:42 (EDT)
Dear Steve, Yes today it is two years from the day you e-mailed your way into my life, and I wonder if you have any idea what a huge impact you have had on me? Your love, support, laughter and tears, your faith in me to work through the mucky stuff, your heart, vision and hope... AND your incredible songs where it all shines through! You and this amazing friendship of ours has changed me in the very best of ways. I am looking forward to many more years... Happy anniversary, my dear friend. I love you.
Gabi Clayton <>
Olympia, WA USA - Saturday, June 27, 1998 at 01:07:38 (EDT)
Let's see if Kibs fixed this thing!!
USA - Friday, June 26, 1998 at 14:08:21 (EDT)
USA - Friday, June 26, 1998 at 13:01:14 (EDT)