Volume 3 Book 5 Part 12 of
Living in the Bonus Round
(The Big Voice Chronicles)
[ Book 3-4 ] -- [ Pt 1 ] [ Pt 2 ] [ Pt 3 ] [ Pt 4 ] [ Pt 5 ]
[ Pt 6 ] [ Pt 7 ] [ Pt 8 ] [ Pt 9 ] [ Pt 10 ]
[ Pt 11 ] [ Pt 12 ] [ 13 ]
July 3-5, 2003.
A Wedding in Dallas.My Letter to the Dallas Morning NewsIn Dallas this week the Metropolitan Community of Church Worldwide Jubilee decided to make a proposition that they would reach out to the Southern Baptists. I like the verisimilitude of that. Each group reaching out to the other. They will fail only if their only goal is to convert.
Yesterday I attended an fascinating wedding ceremony. It was between the pastor of the MCC-LA and his (male) spouse. What made it fascinating is that it took place in a gazebo in the center of this huge hotel, the Anatole. What no one knew was that it was also the opening day of a Muslim convention. So here in the middle of all this sea of hair scarves and Muslim robes were two men kissing each other in holy matrimony.
I love America.
Steve Schalchlin
Anatole Hotel in Dallas with the MCC Worldwide Jubilee was held.
Inside the Cantilly Ballroom at the Anatole.
The wedding gazebo.
Marc & Neil exchange vows.
Marc & Neil.
Neil, Marc & Jimmy.
Steve, Neil, Marc & Jim.
Soul Force's Mel White with Jimmy.
Since both of the grooms are personal friends of mine and Jimmy's we felt honored to be invited to attend the ceremony. We love them both very much -- and I've been missing going to MCC-LA. It has all but become my home church.During the ceremony, we saw one younger Muslim guy do an absolute doubletake when he looked over and saw it was two men going through the commitment ceremony. He just stood on the side and shook his head. He started to walk away but couldn't seem to take his eyes off what he was seeing. I felt really sorry for him that he didn't know Neil and Marc.
Meanwhile, back at the theatre, our show on Saturday night was the high point of this whole run. The house was almost full on all three sides. The response was astonishing as the audience stopped the show on more than a few occasions with loud, raucous laughter and applause. When Jimmy came out in his second act costume, I thought they weren't going to let us go on with the show.
Phil & Craig (with Jeff) do everything at the theatre
from cleaning, taking tickets, booking, selling snacks and running the shows.
Lobby of the Trinity River Arts Center.One show left on Sunday and then we are home. I am so happy we managed to do this Dallas run. It's been thrilling every single night to be back in my adopted "hometown" and to experience the stunning reception afforded us -- from the press to the crowds, on stage and off. If Jimmy doesn't watch out, he's going to become a Texan. First he fell in love with Houston, now Dallas. I can tell you Texas is a very special place and the only way to really understand it is to go there.
[ Book 3-4 ] -- [ Pt 1 ] [ Pt 2 ] [ Pt 3 ] [ Pt 4 ] [ Pt 5 ]
[ Pt 6 ] [ Pt 7 ] [ Pt 8 ] [ Pt 9 ] [ Pt 10 ] [ Pt 11 ] [ Pt 12 ]© 1996-2003 by Steve Schalchlin. You have permission to print from this diary and distribute for use in support groups, schools, or to just give to a friend. You do not have permission to sell it.